
Section: User Commands (1C)
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memhog - memory hog analyser
cpuhog - cpu hog analyser
iohog - I/O hog analyser  


memhog [ -p num ] [ -c cols ] [ -l lines ] [ -w ] [ -t ] [ -i interval ] [ -s smooth ] [ -D ] [ -T ] [ -V ]
iohog [ -p num ] [ -c cols ] [ -l lines ] [ -w ] [ -t ] [ -i interval ] [ -s smooth ] [ -d char | swap ] [ -D ] [ -T ] [ -V ]
cpuhog [ -p num ] [ -c cols ] [ -l lines ] [ -w ] [ -t ] [ -i interval ] [ -s smooth ] [ -d system | user | load ] [ -V ] [ -% ] [ -D ] [ -T ]  


The hog commands analyse resource use by processes. The hog commands all work in the same basic way, but observe the consumption of different resources. memhog examines memory use, cpuhog examines processor use, and iohog examines I/O use. In the following discussion, hog means one of the possible invocations (e.g., memhog), and resource refers to the resource in which that hog is interested. hog runs in a loop. Each time it loops, the resource consumption for each process is obtained from the kernel, and a ``hog'' value computed, based on a resource-specific algorithm. The algorithm is intended to measure the overall impact of a process on the resource. After the ``hog'' values are computed, the processes are displayed in descending ``hog'' order. Thus, the process at the top if of the display is using the most resource. Note that a process with a ``hog'' value of zero will not be displayed. hog is terminated by sending it SIGINT. Each process is represented in the display by a single line, with the pid and uid associated with the process on the left, and the command being executed on the right. In the middle are resource-specific numbers. The top line of the display contains a legend, and possibly some overall system statistics relating to resource.  

General Flags

num specifies the number of processes to consider for display [default 20].
cols specifies the number of columns to use for the display window [default 80].
lines specifies the number of lines to use for the display window [default 24].
specifies that a curses window should not be used, the lines are simply written to standard output.
specifies that a timestamp should be displayed.
interval specifies the sampling interval, in seconds [default 5]. (Actually, hog sleeps for this long between scans).
smooth specifies the number of observations to use in the smoothing algorithm [default 1 (no smoothing)].
Specifies a resource-specific detail string that is used to specify that output should be sorted on a different ``hog'' value. The available options are discussed in the individual hog command sections below.
Specifies that actual resource use should be shown, not percentages. This is the default.
Specifies that percentage resource use should be shown, not actual values. This is only available for certain resources, see above.
Specifies that ``delta'' resource consumption should be shown, not totals. The ``delta'' is the (possibly smoothed) consumption since the the last sample. It shows recent resource consumption.
Specifies that total resource consumption should be shown, not delta. This shows the total resource consumed since the process started. This is the default for memhog.


memhog examines memory use. It examines the regions attached to a process, and examines the memory usage of each region. It sums the statistics for each region to produce totals for the process:
The sum of the virtual sizes of the regions: the virtual size of the process.
The sum of the number of valid (i.e., resident) real pages for regions that are shareable.
The sum of number of valid real pages for regions that are private.
For each sharable region, compute the valid real pages divided by the reference count. Each process is deemed to be ``responsible'' for this much of the region's real memory use. wtd is the sum over all shareable regions attached to the process.
is the sum of priv and wtd, and is intended to represent the real memory impact of this process. memhog also shows the current values for: freemem, availrmem, and availsmem.


iohog examines I/O use by processes. It examines the u-area of the process and computes:
is based on u_iosw and is the number of blocks transferred to or from a swap device on behalf of this process.
is based on u_ioch, and is the number of bytes read or written by this process.
is based on u_ior and is the number of blocks read by this process.
is based on u_iow and is the number of blocks written on behalf of this process. Note that a process is charged when a block is written to the disk, not to the buffer cache. Therefore, a process that writes a block and gets a cache hit is not charged for a write. A process that issues a read that causes a dirty cache block to be written is charged for the write, even if it did not write the block into the cache originally.
is the sum of the read and write values. The -d option can specify that the swap or character value should be considered the ``hog'' value (and thus be used for sorting). The default is to use ``total''.


cpuhog examines CPU use.
is the user cpu time.
is the system cpu time.
is the total user + system time.
(on the top line) shows the number of clock ticks between successive samples.
(on the top line) shows the CPU idle time, as recorded in sysinfo.
(on the top line) shows the CPU wait-idle (i.e., idle waiting for I/O completions), as recorded in sysinfo. The -% option can be used to display percentages instead of actual clock ticks. The percentages are percentages of elapsed time. The -d option can be used to specify that sorting should be done on system or user time. It cannot be used in conjunction with -%. The -d option load is experimental and should not be used.


The program takes a snapshot of several dynamic kernel data structures from user mode. As such, the information is sometimes inconsistent. It does the best it can under such circumstances.  


sar, showreg



General Flags

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